Omni: Polkadot Enterprise desktop app Treasury Proposal - Milestone 2 - Public release


Omni: Polkadot Enterprise desktop app Treasury Proposal - Milestone 2 - Public release:

Feature set of the proposal (see proposal)

  • Foundation for Enterprise app:
    • Implementation according to defined Quality Attributes
    • Light clients integration
    • Data verification for parachain nodes
    • Secure protocol integration for encrypted communication
  • Initial Omni Enterprise v1.0 feature set:
    • Easy-to-use multisig accounts
    • Integration with Parity Signer
    • Assets management across all Polkadot eco networks
    • Full set of features

Context of the proposal

             Omni Enterprise
is a desktop application that works around the limitations of Polkadot.js Apps
and can provide a single point-of-view for stakeholders with advanced needs in the entire ecosystem.
It should sync shards (i.e. multi-sig & proxies should not need manual construction for each signatory),
support complex proxy/multi-sig combinations, should amalgamate multiple operations into a
single transaction, and handle staking, asset management, and voting across all shards in a
single user-operation

             On February 2022,
our previous Polkadot Treasury proposal was approved,
and in July 2022 we have successfully completed the scope of the proposal.
Please refer to the Omni Enterprise Milestone 1 report

             This proposal
covers the first release of the Omni Enterprise high quality desktop application
for Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem

that will provide easy-to-use multisig accounts,
light clients nodes usage and Parity Signer support.

Please review the full proposal with a detailed description & costs:

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