Treasury proposal: AmsterDOT Hack

This proposal aims to partially cover the rewards for the 8-week online amsterDOT hackathon.

The hackathon was organized by 8 teams which put up 20 bounties for advancing contributions to the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems. Furthermore, an Open Category was included to accommodate “anything Dotsama”. The hackathon had a combined rewards mechanism. The first component is rewards provided by the teams which own the bounties (up to $190k). The second component is a $150k prize pool by the Polkadot Treasury (i.e. the subject of this proposal) which was distributed by a jury comprising 7 teams from the ecosystem.

13 out of 14 eligible submissions were given a share of the Polkadot prize pool following the jury vote. The solutions range from full-fledged UIs, dashboards, (command line) tools, a p2e game, to the winner of the hackathon - Morph, an XCM tool for intuitively handling cross-chain transfers.

Please find the full proposal here

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