PolkaWorld Ops and Maintenance proposal:2022.9 - 2022.11


Dear community and councilors! This is a social contract between PolkaWorld and the Polkadot Treasury. This proposal is aimed to cover the community operation costs from Sep 2022 to Nov 2022.

PolkaWorld is the Polkadot community in China and has gathered more than 50,000 followers, we have collaborated with the Polkadot ecosystem and Web3 Foundation to build a strong community since 2019. We received the W3F community grant from 2019 to 2021, then make a social contract with Polkadot Treasury in June 2021, so far we have got 5 times Polkadot Treasury funds.

Details for milestones, tasks, and the budget for the next 3 months, and all monthly reports can be found here. Love to hear all your advice or any feedback.

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