A proposal requested by the Manta team to register a new genesis wasm. Contextual information below:
What Happened
Our parathread was registered on the Polkadot relaychain, obtained a parachain slot and was upgraded to a parachain. However, we encountered a minor setback when the genesis collators failed to produce blocks on the new chain. It turns out that the registration process contained incompatible genesis WASM and state files, which caused our parachain to be stuck at genesis.
Impact / why fast-track?
After the acquisition of a parachain slot, Manta Network’s core development team has begun a sequence for launching the network. Not having this parachain producing blocks would prevent and delay that launch. The extrinsics called in our proposal affect just our 2104 parachain and it has not completed genesis, so there are no XCMP channels to worry about either, the relaychain should be unaffected by this.
After thorough investigation and collaboration with the Parity development team, we've identified a solution to the issue. With assistance from Polkadot governance, we can correct the incompatible parachain state & WASM files that were originally registered. This correction will not have any impact or loss of state since the chain has never produced any blocks. We believe that this is the most efficient and effective solution to get our parachain up and running.
Council Proposal
We humbly request that the technical committee fast-track the proposal to register the correct genesis state and code on Polkadot. This will allow our collators to begin producing blocks.
We have submitted the Preimage for the below proposal:
hash: 0x2d1b0d07d86ebe11297eb5a732d5d56e2b118eb1e8e55b0bdc801c5d313371c9
in extrinsic https://polkadot.subscan.io/extrinsic/14362712-2 from the same account as was used to originally register the paraID/parathread in https://polkadot.subscan.io/extrinsic/13905786-2.
Extrinsics called:
- registrar::setCurrentHead(2104, corrected.state)
- paras::forceSetCurrentCode(2104, corrected.wasm)
New WASM file can be found HERE.
registrar.paras(2104) => manager: 15ynbcMgPf7HbQErRz66RDLMuBVdcWVuURhR4SLPiqa6B8jx
Gist by the CEO of Manta Network Shumo Chu: https://gist.github.com/stechu/9c97c7766951d377accd8835e5da79fb
Message Text:
"This shall serve to testify that the following Polkadot governance referendum has been initiated and is endorsed by the Manta Network team - Referendum number: TBD - Proposal hash: 0x2d1b0d07d86ebe11297eb5a732d5d56e2b118eb1e8e55b0bdc801c5d313371c9 - Polkassembly discussion: https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/motion/362"
signature from the account that registered paraID 2104: 0x2478a5e64e8c7915e12ca048a2dfb5d04ff97f188fc1f7948bd77c19446fd421af3555a96ebbb1720b7ac1c548877ff8fc9ad12dcbf095f0aef9d8f54b444087
Motion 362, aiming to help the Manta team register a new genesis Wasm for their new slot on Polkadot, has passed the council vote. Since this was submitted as an external motion, the proposal is now in external queue: W3F seat has opened this proposal, fast-tracking the motion, with the following parameters: