Hello. My name is Jonathan Kleiman. I am a Polkadot ambassador candidate, and I have been a lawyer in Toronto for 10 years. I am licensed by the Law Society of Ontario. You can find my website at www.jkleiman.com, and you can peruse my google reviews here.
As a lawyer, I am licensed to verify documents as a notary. My intention is to verify legal name identities on-chain using this same process. Specifically, I will require two pieces of photo ID, and a short video call to confirm that the person seeking identification is indeed the person on the ID's provided.
The video call (no, a screenshot - see edit) will be recorded for verification records, but will not be shared without requestor's consent or a court order, if for some reason the requestor needs to prove that their identity was properly verified.
As a lawyer, the risk to me of publicly confirming somebody's identity incorrectly is very serious, as the public would be assured of the reliability of such verification and would be able to rely upon it as if it were notarized by me. For this reason, verifications performed by me will be completely trustworthy, without question.
I plan to charge 5 DOT (3 DOT, see edit) for the verification services. Any voters for this proposal when it reaches referendum will receive their verification for free by fee refund once the proposal is approved (unless this is disallowed)
Please feel free to send any questions or suggestions to me at [email protected]
I am lowering the price to 3 DOT, given the recent and anticipated price appreciation
Pursuant to comments, I suggest that no video be recorded, but that a screenshot of the video be taken and held on offline storage.
I will offer to verify email, twitter, and element name as well.
Non-english identification can be done, but must involve a lawyer licensed to practice in the jurisdiction that the account holder resides, who can certify the identity for the Registrar.
In the event that there are too many for one person to handle, additional lawyers can be involved to verify identities, but the main registrar would still be responsible to ensure the process is secure and reliable. This practice is acceptable to my law society as well - I am allowed to rely on the certification of a person's identity as long as it is done by a lawyer in their jurisdiction, and I am able to confirm the lawyer's identity and their license to practice law, and receive ID of the account holder.
Thank you to those who have participated in the discussion, and those who have foregone staking rewards by seconding my proposal.