This motion aims to approve the [Wasm Smart Contracts Bounty - bounty 19(
Proposed by coalition of teams to encourage and promote the adoption and development of WebAssembly smart contracts on Polkadot parachains, the goal is to create audited Ink!/Ask! smart contract showcases, an incubation program, and a React Hooks library called “UseInk”. Please note that due to the value requested the proposal has been submitted as an external motion. Meaning, that after/in case of Council approval, the proposal will be up for community vote via Referendum for the final decision. For information on budget, roadmap and scope of work of the bounty, please visit the bounty's contextual information:
Please note the preimage for this proposal is submitted already, however, since the proposal is wrapped on an external motion call to be voted first by the council, the preimage is not noted on Polkadot.js Apps (this is an application issue). If the proposal passes to external queue, then the preimage will pair automatically.
Proposal hash: 0xad5bd919076c71a6acba8ffafe12dfaf8ef83e40d69a56ee1ae1d5ffaa9f429e