This request is for the publication of 4 articles about the common good parachains and 6 articles about XCM. The articles were published in Portuguese by Giorge Abdala, an active member of the DotSama BR community.
The articles were published on the subsocial DotSama, which unites the main content producers in Brazil, and on Giorge's personal Blog Medium.
Here are links to the articles:
Parachains of common good
article 1:
a translation of Common Good Parachains: An Introduction to Governance-Allocated Parachain Slots
article 2:
A translation of Introducing Encointer: Making Web3 Truly Inclusive
article 3:
A translation of "Statemint" Generic Assets Chain: Proposing a Common Good Parachain to Polkadot Governance
article 4:
article 1:
A translation of Cross-Consensus Messaging (XCM
article 2:
A translation of Polkadot XCMP Explained — How Parachains Talk to Each Other
article 3:
A translation of Why Polkadot’s Cross-Chain Message Passing (XCMP) Protocol is Needed?
article 4:
A translation of Gavin Woody's article at
article 5:
A translation of Gavin Woody's article at
article 6:
A translation of Gavin Woody's article in
Giorge Abdala, a member of the DotSama BR community, published 10 articles in Portuguese. These articles cover two main topics:
Common Good Parachains:
XCM (Cross-Consensus Messaging):
These articles were published on Subsocial DotSama and Giorge's personal Blog Medium.