Treasury Proposal : Forumdot - A consumer centric platform for the Polkadot ecosystem


Proponent: 11F8h8qmSUctFVMayEjw4aDuZbVKUGc4SmSN2mPBcdKDBMG

Date: 06.01.2023

Hello Everyone and Happy New year to All

Short Description

Today I would like to introduce you to Forumdot, a platform for building and maintaining online communities within the Dotsama ecosystem. It combines the real-time feel of chat applications with the ability to provide rich context and ongoing value through threads that are indexed and searchable. This allows users to connect, share, and grow together, with a focus on providing ongoing value that can be accessed and shared by others.

Forum dot aims to address the issues of information fragmentation and the challenges of building and maintaining online communities within the broader crypto ecosystem.

Context of the proposal

Today, there are very few choices when it comes to building your community online. More and more people are building theirs on platforms like Slack (and other IRC-alikes; Gitter, Discord, etc.), rolling a self-hosted forum, or starting a Facebook group. When it comes to the crypto ecosystem, these groups have mostly flocked to Telegram, but it still suffers from the same issues. Even when everything is as carefully organized as can be things start to break down as these groups grow:

  • With five conversations going on at the same time you’re not quite sure anymore who’s talking with whom—it’s impossible to keep track of.

  • You want to talk about this one topic somebody mentioned five hours ago but the message is now 15 pages up and nobody knows what you’re talking about anymore. Don’t even get started on topics from days or even, gasp, weeks ago!

This is amplified by the fact that searching and linking to old messages is often a pain. Many times valuable and interesting conversations are lost forever, or the knowledge is trapped in the tool itself, never to be discovered from the outside.





You can find the full details of the proposal including milestones, tasks here : Forumdot

I am sharing the prototype and dashboard designs here.

Forumdot Prototype

Dashboard Design

Thank you for taking the time. Do share your thoughts.

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