Treasury Proposal: Funding Request for Continued Production of RMRK Substrate Pallets


### Greetings community!

We are the RMRK team and for ~1.5 years we have been developing rmrk-substrate-pallets with an intention to make 2.0 NFTs natively accessible across all layer 1 Substrate chains.

To this end, we are requesting funding from the Polkadot Treasury to support the realization of this vision. We are recently accepted into the Substrate Builders Program and with resources newly available we have outlined a 9-12 month plan, complete with deliverables and program milestones, aimed at achieving the full potential of our vision.

Our proposal is available for your review here, and please feel free to leave your comments and feedback below so we can answer your questions and make adjustments to our proposal accordingly.

Thank you so much, Dotsama fam, we look forward to reading and integrating your feedback!



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