KILT Decentralized Identity Provider (DIP) - Polkadot Treasury Proposal

BOTLabs GmbH, the initial developer of KILT Protocol, is requesting funds from the Polkadot Treasury for work on the Decentralized Identity Provider (DIP), which has been ongoing for a few months now.
In short, the DIP is a protocol based on XCM that allows KILT identities to be bridged to any destination that XCM is able to reach, i.e., fellow parachains, the Polkadot Relay Chain, or other consensus systems.
The protocol implementation is already in the development phase, after the original idea was presented and refined with fellow projects.
More documentation about the system design and architecture will follow, but the main development work can be tracked on the KILT GitHub space, currently mainly as part of this Pull Request.
The full proposal can be found here (comment access):

How to verify the document integrity

The current version of the proposal document has been digitally signed with one of the DIDs that BOTLabs GmbH controls.
To verify the signature:

  1. Download the PDF version of the Google Document linked above.
  2. Download the DID signature of the file from IPFS, with CID QmRcYyPcCKGDQno2m5qBSZq7dftoZKuwraF9C9M96rXR36 (e.g.,
  3. Visit, and upload both the PDF file and the downloaded signature. The signature should verify correctly and link to the KILT tx in which the timestamp was generated.
  4. To verify the back-link from the DID to the account to which the funds must be sent if the Proposal is accepted, copy the account in the Proposal (15oXzySe6tjF2MumHfUodH8pFQWjy2hraRmXUJXXMKKY6p3F for quick reference) and paste it in The account must be linked to the same web3name that signed the proposal document.

Further Discussions

Please post any questions/concerns/feedback in one of the following ways:

  • In the comments section below
  • In the Polkadot Direction Element channel
  • Using one of the contacts included at the end of the proposal document
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