Proponent: 12mRyiCp9zdh1wEVW5gLLiFBxDPKks72rRXmSupyEK3VAMLf
Date: 13th July 2022
Requested DOT: ?? (USD $100,383.24)
Short description: Ongoing costs for the running of high performance, scalable, and reliable public infrastructure for Polkadot, Statemint and Westend.
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The last quarter showed a number of ups and downs in terms of numbers but still recorded high demand for Polkadot and OnFinality. May had a higher activity than the rest of the quarter which also had our largest daily responses in the quarter of over 224 million in a single day to Polkadot.
We continued to execute on our efforts to provide unprecedented service stability and reliability to this ecosystem. All supported networks exceeded our 99.9% target, including 99.98% uptime for Polkadot over the last 90 days . At this stage, OnFinality is operationally striving for a minimum of 99.99% availability, which means less than an hour of downtime each year.
Between 2022-04-01 and 2022-06-31 our Polkadot API service has:
Full Proposal: