DOTJobs -- A forum for substrate projects to find high-quality substrate developers

4yrs ago

The Polkadot ecosystem is growing, and there is no single forum that allows interested developers to easily find work at the numerous companies currently building with substrate. Conversely, there is no central place for projects to easily source talented people vital to building the ecosystem.

Our goal is to create a two-sided jobs marketplace that leverages many components already present in the Polkadot.js stack. With DOTJobs, projects will have the confidence to hire qualified developers with verified identities and a track record of historical performance. Developers will easily be able to view opportunities at the projects they are interested in and post their profile to be discovered by prospective projects.

So far, we’ve built a PoC that enables anyone to post or find a job on DOTJobs:

We will continue iterating on this project in the coming weeks, and welcome any feedback or advice from the community!

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