Treasury Proposal by Centrifuge: FUDGE - Core library for local integration-tests in Substrate

2yrs ago

Proponent: 12wWLUd5qMzLFGqBsMnHLVFeTuYJwuo5ygMAxuSywrBX1XSF

Date: 21.10.2022

Requested DOT: ($172,500) ~27,080 DOT

Contact: Frederik Gartenmeister ([email protected])

This is Polkadot treasury proposal by Centrifuge to fund the development of FUDGE (FUlly Decoupled Generic Environment for substrate-based chains) . FUDGE provides a simple and generic way to interact with and manipulate the database of a substrate-based blockchain. This includes building and importing blocks locally without any kind of network or consensus, as also changing existing state and finalizing it without the need of forging a new block.

The currently most obvious use-case for FUDGE are local integration tests as the library drastically reduces time and overhead for these. But the library is furthermore useful as a core building block around clis in the Substrate ecosystem. E.g. a cli for forking-off a database of a node, tooling around analysing a chain in various states (i.e. at variaous blocks).

There already exists a PoC version of the library ( and the library is actively used by the Centrifuge team for integration tests (

The full proposal can be found here:

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