We got news about Kusama and Polkadot from twitter, social media, and blogs. But to get them, first we need to open the corresponding links in the browser and sometimes we may need to login. For knowledge, usually we search some topic with google, or go to substrate.dev to search the tip we are interested in.
Problems with current situation:
We propose a knowledge tip and flash news authoring tool to solve the above problems. With this tool we can:
Following scenarios will be supported to help Kusama, Polkadot and other ecosystem projects to broadcast news and knowledge tip.
Project may have a flash good news which they want to spread it fast. Then a developer generate a image contains the news, and broadcast it to the telegram channels. Telegram readers just click the image, and the full content is shown to them, and they don't have to open the browser.
A normal user open this cool, create a image which explain 'what is kusama council', then broadcast it to social media. The content readers can reach this explanation in a fast way and ecosystem users can get this knowledge in a very clear way.
And the generated image may look like follows:
We are OpenSquare, and we are dedicated to facilitate the collaborations between Polkadot ecosystem projects and developers, designers, etc.