Hi! I'm Cervera and I've been producing educational tutorial videos about Polkadot and Kusama since April 19, 2021, just a year ago! Currently, on my YouTube channel you can find two playlists, one for Polkadot and one for Kusama. Both have 19 videos. Cumulatively, this equates to 42,040 views, 1,085 comments and more than 8,000 watch hours.
The following proposal seeks funding for the production and continued development of the Kusama playlist. Production of video tutorials in Spanish that accompany the user in carrying out functions on the network step by step. These videos explain everything you need to be aware of in a clear and detailed way and show that all the information comes from truthful sources. These educational video tutorials will be created weekly from May 2nd to October 10th.
My goal is to create a complete playlist on the canary network Kusama, where all its functionalities are explained in a simple and clear way so that any Spanish-speaking user feels welcome when starting out in the ecosystem, feels comfortable when carrying out actions and can use the network safely.
Check the full proposal here.
Further community feedback may be found on this tweet.
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