Bounty Instrument Original Specification

4yrs ago

With Bounties nearly implemented I want to share this. It is up to the Council to decide what to do with it.

With Bounties I firmly believe this community has gained a powerful instrument to channel its agency. I.e. it gains an instrument to set goals and allocate financial resources. Remunerating development activities is but one of the activities that makes a project successful though. The remuneration for the project manager with the Curator Fee is one step in the good direction. And Sub-Bounties allowing for milestone approaches to remunerate design phases is another step in the right direction.

I am not in a habit of asking for remuneration and I certainly have not ever done so on a personal title. That said I spent at least 40 hours (give or take: on writing the original specification of Bounties. And if we judge this specification at face-value we have not deviated that much from this specification.

I would appreciate a Tip for this work. I would be perfectly fine with this remuneration going towards the Polkascan Foundation Multisig (DWUAQt9zcpnQt5dT48NwWbJuxQ78vKRK9PRkHDkGDn9TJ1j).
Remunerating this multisig will ensure the KSM will be spent on a good cause legally bound by the by-laws of Polkascan Foundation.


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