Polkadot Explainer Video on Cryptonauts YouTube Channel

3yrs ago

Hello Polkadot Community!

We are the Cryptonauts, a YouTube channel dedicated to educating the world about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. Think of us as the "Magic School Bus" or "Sesame Street" of crypto. We breakdown complicated concepts and projects into easily digestible bits, along with custom made cartoon animations. Here are a few examples of our work:

**Concept Explainer Video (DeFi): ** https://youtu.be/_1tZEF0bdGI

Comprehensive Breakdown of a Project (IOTA): https://youtu.be/I_jNH9BlEEo

Explainer w/ an Interview (Akon's project Akoin): https://youtu.be/Od2VO5TILbA

We would love to create an in-depth explainer video about the Polkadot Network, and include an interview with the founder Gavin Wood and other leading members of the team (such as Community Lead Dan Reecer).

If we really want to go for the gusto, we could even focus the video around the story of Polkadot, like we did for **Publica **(if the budget allows): https://youtu.be/VXTiHhBnnvs

Our process per video can take anywhere from 4-10 weeks, because we believe in quality over quantity. We want to create "classics", over a simple one-take screen capture video with a green screen in the background. We want our videos to last forever.

To make these videos happen, we would need support from the Polkadot Community and the Treasury, since we put so much time and effort into each project. I will breakdown the timeline of what usually goes into a video here.

Pre-Production (2-4 weeks): This process consists of research, writing, and preparation. For the IOTA video, we had the developers check our script to make sure it was technically correct, and that the analogies were on point. We also cite our sources, like a research paper. The more time we have to create a script, the better the video will be.

Production (3-5 days): Depending on the length of the script, we shoot with different cameras and gear. On the lower end, we shoot on DSLR's and other canon equipment. On high budget videos such as Publica, we used the Arri Alexa Mini and Zeiss Masterprime lenses to make it happen. We had $250,000 worth of equipment on set and with this quality, we could play the episode in theaters. Equipment List available upon request.

Post-Production (3-6 weeks): After production, we move onto editing and post. During this process, we sync all the audio and video footage together to get a rough cut together. This means that we have a good idea of what it will look like, and determine which pieces of the puzzle to fit together. After the rough is out, we can move onto the animations. We hand draw all of our assets in Adobe Illustrator, and animate them in After Effects. The best way to explain difficult concepts is through animations, and these take hundreds of hours.

Our team spends day and night on our projects (much like coders and developers do on their projects), and it would be a dream come true to work on this with you. We are happy to provide more examples and production budget sheets if this is something the community wants.

Budget: $5,000 - $10,000

The budget varies depending on the scope of work, time and equipment used.

Thank you for the consideration, we look forward to hearing the response from the community!

  • Cryptonauts

Cryptonauts YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFBMJMfA6WcmoIOIb81JE0g

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