Recently i set up my identity on Polkadot with verification process.
That's something i usually do whenever i can on the parachains i use more & vote on, and i made it a long time ago on Kusama.
But why was i reluctant to do it on Polkadot ? Because there is this 20.258 DOT deposit
For comparison:
Kusama deposit = 0.333333333 KSM = 7.52$ (current price)
Polkadot deposit = 20.258 DOT = 101.49$ (current price)
So the current ratio between the 2 deposit amounts is 13.5.
For an average user, setting an identity on Kusama is no big deal at this price, but on Polkadot it's already something with the 100$ mental threshold. And don't imagine anyone during a bull market depositing 500$ just to set-up an identity.
Future scenario:
Kusama deposit = 0.333333333 KSM = 7.52$ x10 = 75$ -> remains acceptable
Polkadot deposit = 20.258 DOT = 101.49$ x10 = 1014$ -> just not sustainable
Today's ratio between KSM & DOT prices is 4.5, and historically was higher. So if we want to maintain this kind of ratio between Kusama and Polkadot deposit, current DOT deposit should not be over 6.75 DOT.
=> So it's a 4.5 price ratio vs 13.5 deposit ratio.
Even with this new DOT deposit, it won't be sustainable in a future scenario where prices x10.
I'd like to see the current DOT deposit to be changed and set to the current KSM/DOT ratio = 4.5
I would propose:
Kusama deposit = 0.333333333 KSM => No change
Polkadot deposit = 6.75 DOT => To be changed
And in my best dreams i'd like the deposit not to be static and capped to a reasonable $ amount (let's 100$ for intance) so that majority of people can set on-chain identities even during a bull market.
I'd like to have the temperature of the community and understand what was the idea behind this high threshold on Polkadot.
In the poll:
AYE if you want to lower the current DOT deposit
NAYE if you are good with the current situation