Interoperability is one of the key value propositions of Polkadot. With XCM and numerous bridges this value became possible. But they are all delivering interoperability only for fungible assets. For Polkadot to fully deliver on its promise, NFT XCM capability is a must have. Moving NFTs between different parachains will unleash the capabilities for the next generation of Web3 applications that are not constrained by any one chain.

Since January 2023 we (Unique Network team) worked on the NFT XCM solution. We engaged with numerous ecosystem members — Parity XCM team, Parity NFTs creators, parachains and wallets to create a solution PoC and its roadmap as described in this proposal. 

We invite all interested ecosystem members to comment, provide input and indicate interest in participating in the roadmap. We are soliticing inputs now, to include in the final proposal that will be submitted to Polkadot Treasury after the completion of the PoC in October or November 2023. Roadmap implementation will require a consensus on a number of questions, which will help establish the NFT XCM standards, and here views and participation of parachains is crucial. Parity has left us to lead this effort, and we would like to invite other stakeholders to take part, too. In the initial stages of the work we will be creating a working group for participants to communicate and collectively decide on key decisions. 

Please read the proposal and provide comments here, as well as indicate your level of interest in participating in its implementation. Our team will also answer your questions here. Proposal will be presented at Sub0 next week, you can also talk to our lead dev about it there.

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