I was wondering if being a degen is even possible at polkadot

1yr ago

Hi r/Polkadot,

I have been with polkadot from nearly begining, i have seen other chains start geeting started and some like solana take off, they are widely used.

main reason i see

  1. being easy to use, just connect phantom, metamask it will work (We are nearly their)

  2. low gas fee, end user dont care what the hell is running in background zk, poh(we are their)

  3. other people use it (its about marketing)

  4. network effect if some use, i will too.

  5. normal people ineract with some smartcontract creating tokens etc. (other make it easy).

  6. gambling - people use this method from to relieve their stress from invention of money.

  7. with point 5, and 6 creating liquidity pools for their shitcoin analogus to starting new startup idea.

I their is lot of adoption just with this point 7, i want to know how easy it is to create someting like raydium pool putting liquidity, creating token.

if thats very easy why many people like me not aware of it, please guide me

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