Swissborg Proposal of a One Month Awareness Campaign

1yr ago

Hi Polkassembly Community,

My name is Steve and I work as a content creator with Swissborg who are a leading exchange based in Switzerland.

I am working with their marketing manager and lead growth hacker Alex Kalen, on a proposal for a one month awareness campaign centred around Polkadot. 

You can find the link to our pitch deck HERE.

We will likely be asking for 30,000 DOT but we will be looking to use 10,000 — 12,500 of that to giveaway to our community to drive enagemant and encourage people to buy and hold Polkadot via our exchange.

Who Are Swissborg?

SwissBorg is a crypto wealth management platform that utilizes blockchain technology to provide a secure and transparent place for buying, selling, and managing digital assets. With its unique Smart Yield account, Thematics bundles, and incredibly user-friendly mobile app, SwissBorg empowers users to take control of their financial future and join the growing crypto revolution.

Our aim in creating this easy-to-use platform, is to assist users in navigating the new financial field of cryptocurrencies. The founders of SwissBorg saw a need for such a platform in order to overcome the sometimes complex nature of cryptocurrencies and the scattered infrastructure and tools that haven’t found any standardization yet.

We operate in 115 countries and have over 750,000 KYC'd app users holding +$800M in AUM. On top of that, we list over 45 different Crypto currencies and support 16 different FIAT currencies on our platform.

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