Tip proposal, for previously denied proposal that was accepted via event bounty!


Hi Everyone!

On behalf of Crust Network and the Polkadot SF community, I previously submitted a proposal #207 Polkadot SF Community Event Series. This proposal was for the creation of 6 Polkadot events in SF to build a bigger community presence. This proposal was rejected because at the time I posted the Polkadot team had launched the events bounty system recently and the community asked me to submit my proposal via events bounty. After submitting to the events bounty my proposal was accepted. The only problem was I was required to bond 209.35 DOT when I submitted my original proposal. This DOT was subsequently lost once my proposal was rejected. I was hoping to receive a tip of 209.35 to receive my bonded DOT back now that the event series has concluded. After 1 year I have successfully hosted 6 Polkadot events and created a vibrant community in SF. You can find the links to our proposal and our event series below. Please let me know if you have any questions about this, and I am happy to answer. 

Link to original proposal: 



Link to Event Series: 


Thank you for your consideration! 

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