coretime costs



I see some of you doing all these formulas and other methods to figure out core time pricing. But maybe you should look at it differently. Think in a business perspective…Dot is NOT the only blockchain out there there are tons of them and they are all competing and all of them have a suite of similar products. How do new businesses typically lure new customers in amidst all the competition? They incentivise!!! Core time price should imho undercut the cost of whatever it costs to establish your average L1 on any of the popular platforms. On top of that there should be discounts for projects that buy in bulk. Maybe even free technical assistance in getting setup. THIS WILL BRING PRODUCTS TO POLKADOT!!! Not releated to Coretime but dot holders NEED to be incentivised as well…staking alone isn’t enough. Projects should be encouraged to do air drops…solana, avalanche, cosmos etc. are killing dot because of all those airdrops and incentives. While dot still sitting on it’s hands and watching the marketcap get smaller and smaller. Heck maybe projects could get a discount on coretime if they agree to airdrop dot holders. But something NEEDS to change to get Polkadot back on track!!!




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