Web3's first decentralised BBQ Party (BEEFY)



Rumours have it, we're in a new bullrun. But we believe this time around it's a BEEFYrun instead!

The BEEFY Protocol will revolutionize the Polkadot ecosystem by enabling trustless bridging between Polkadot and Ethereum, and potentially other networks, thereby facilitating liquidity flow. We want to celebrate the BEEFY protocol as well as the upcoming launch of the $BEEFY memecoin, which rewards BEEFY's early adopters & contributors and engages the community through the upcoming BEEFY RUN game.


Lunch ain’t free, except with $BEEFY

We want to shorten the waiting time with a juicy steak for the BEEFY and Polkadot community. We want to purchase and deliver 420 real steaks to supporters of our upcoming proposal.


BEEFY Contest

We’ll host a decentralised beefy party on X. Anybody can participate by posting a post of their BEEFY stake on X with #BEEFY and #Polkadot during the 48h before the X space starts. During the space we’ll discuss the posts and which BEEFY steak looks the BEEFIEST! Whichever post is the most popular (Likes * Views) will win. The winner will get 0.255% of the fully diluted $BEEFY supply. 2nd and 3rd place will get 0.088% each.

PS - side conversations about the BEEFY light client and Polkadot tech in general is allowed as well ;)

The detailed proposal can be found here. Any feedback is appreciated.

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