Polkadot Insider report | REF #98


Polkadot Insider is a leading Polkadot educational platform where we help the community access various information pipelines to reach the fastest adoption.

Polkadot Insider prioritizes three key criteria:

Our media channels:




This Discussion post aims to report the certain milestones of Polkadot Insider’s accomplishment to compare with the social media metric goals - Check Polkadot Insider’s REF 98.

For any private feedback, this is our contact:

Telegram: @polkadot_insider
Email: polkadotinsider@gmail.com

Full aggregated report - LINK HERE

In details, you can expect to see different segments in this proposal including:

All contents we did on X
Weekly and Monthly Metrics
Exclusive Projects’ promotion support data
Videos data on both X and Youtube
72h Recap Data

Note on the above report:
Some of deliverables relating to video production have been undelivered due to team personel’s change, visa/passport problems for IRL interviews, we are building up and improving quality on video production, including editors, MC host, etc.
Therefore, we decided to make up for our deliverables by two months (March & April) free additional X's infographics with more 100 infographics (exactly 956 infographics) to compare with what we proposed (840 infographics), and 4 more videos in “The Brain” series.

Polkadot Insider team also decided to self-funding views ads for our videos to get more traction which is not from what we proposed.

We have never stopped creating content with any funding problems including price drop effects, and keep consistently lighting up Polkadot branding on social media.

Besides, Polkadot Insider has been a trusted partner and organizer for various IRL conferences/events and gets highlighted on different KOLs, influencers, PR publishers by using Polkadot Insider’s resources.


Polkadot Insider appreciates the community support and feedback and we would love to keep contributing for the ecosystem continually!


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