Polkadot London Event - Dawn of RWAs

8mos ago

In person Polkadot centric event
x200 people (strictly invitation only)
Location: Sway Bar, Holborn, London UK
Date: 03/07/2024

We aim to create much greater understanding about the Polkadot technology but also the opportunities of real world applications that can, and are, being built on Polkadot. London is one of the biggest financial hubs in the world yet there is virtually no Polkadot presence currently. Ecosystem projects (from all around the world) are being built on Polkadot, however they all require funding at every stage of their development, so we need a constant flow of new liquidity into Polkadot and the wider ecosystem.

We aim to bring together key figures both within; Parity, PBA (and Alumni), Ecosystem Project teams, VCs & Investors, Real Estate Developers & Investors & Legal Professionals. By showcasing Polkadots interoperability and trustless bridging using XCM in tangible projects, will give much needed reassurance that Polkadot is the new iteration of the internet.

We also aim to kick start a regular London Polkadot meetup (coordinated by PBA alumni) for web3 / web2 engineers & builders to learn more about the Polkadot technology and how they can get involved to start building cool stuff.

Here is a link to the full event breakdown

Polkadot dawn of the RWAs event - London 8
Date: 03/07/2024 Name of the Ticket: Polkadot dawn of the RWAs Requested by: Richard Houldsworth - Co-Founder / Xcavate Team Description Summary: We aim to create much greater understanding about the Polkadot technology but also the opportunities...

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