Self-Funded - no cost Marketing Bounty focused on the inclusion of Parachains

3mos ago

I would like to propose a Marketing Bounty that is focused on the inclusion of Parachains. Parachains are critical to the success and adoption of Polkadot. New projects and entrepreneurs are looking at parachains as a measure of Polkadot’s potential and ability to deliver.

To address spending concerns on Marketing, I wanted to propose to ‘self fund’ a brand advertising campaign with a budget of $600,000 by staking 4m DOT for 1 yr with an approximate 0.15%apy. Just curious to the issues or concerns with that concept. Why don’t we put a small chunk of the treasury in financial instruments to grow the treasury and not depend on inflation?

Combined with standard ROI from actual marketing initiatives, we will have exponential growth in value that will reflect in DOTs price. These are strategic plans that return value to DOT and its token holders.

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