Proposal for Decentralized Resource Management in the Polkadot Ecosystem and Prevention of Conflicts of Interest in Bounties

3mos ago


To ensure effective governance and equitable resource management within the Polkadot ecosystem, it is crucial that the process of assigning and managing Bounties is both transparent and decentralized. The aim of this proposal is to minimize favoritism and conflicts of interest between curators and applicants by establishing clear expectations and operational procedures.

Objectives of the Proposal

  1. Promote decentralization in the management of Bounties.
  2. Establish guidelines for reviewing and allocating funds.
  3. Ensure transparency in the use of allocated resources.
  4. Define the responsibilities of curators, particularly those who are compensated.

Proposed Strategies

  1. Selection and Review Process for Applicants:

    • Curators should critically review each request, evaluating its legitimacy and necessity. They must provide constructive feedback to help applicants refine their proposals.
    • Clear documentation is essential, such as detailed invoices, reports, and estimates. This will ensure that curators can guide applicants towards sustainable solutions while keeping costs at optimal levels.
  2. Expected Role of Curators:
    A curator, especially if compensated, is responsible for acting in the best interests of the community.

This includes:
- Impartially reviewing Bounty requests.
- Providing support and advice to applicants to improve their proposals.
- Generating detailed reports on the use of funds, documenting each step and finalizing reports according to established deadlines.

  1. Reporting and Transparency:

    • After the allocation of funds, the curator must create a comprehensive report on the use of resources, storing it in a public digital space accessible to all community members.
    • If the fund allocation involves sensitive information or agreements subject to NDAs, the curator must sign a personal responsibility agreement, ensuring the highest level of transparency possible for the community. (This is sensitive and should be investigated further).
  2. Role of Decentralized Communities and Continuous Feedback:

    • Include community members in evaluating the curators’ decisions through feedback mechanisms, such as surveys or discussion forums.
    • Establish a curator rotation system to limit their tenure on a single Bounty, reducing the possibility of favoritism or bias. The bounty period could be used to evaluate, reconfirm, or replace the set of curators. Then when the bounty term is extended the community should give feedback regarding the work of the curators, if it is not satisfactory a replacement could be proposed (offchain) or a return to voting for a new set of curators.


Implementing these proposals will foster decentralized and impartial management of Bounties within the Polkadot ecosystem, contributing to stronger governance and collective well-being. It is essential to listen to community members and continually adapt the process to ensure it remains open, transparent, and accountable. Our vision is to build an ecosystem where trust and integrity are the foundational pillars of our interactions.

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