Bitskwela - Expanding Polkadot to the Thriving Philippine Web 3.0 Community

20d ago

Hello! Jiro here from Bitskwela, one of the leading education brands in the Philippines for crypto and blockchain, and supporter of Polkadot 👋

Our Past Work

We’re excited to share that we've completed our previous grant, which covered Nationwide Education, Marketing, Business Development, and On-ground activations. Over the past six (6) months, our work has allowed the Polkadot ecosystem to break ground in the local markets on a provincial level.

So, what's with the new Discussion Post?

Following our past efforts, the Bitskwela team is committed to ramping up our Polkadot-related initiatives locally. Over the last few quarters, we've deepened our involvement in the ecosystem, and our confidence in Polkadot's potential has only grown stronger.

Of course, Bitskwela’s planned incoming efforts won’t be executed alone. We have received the support of the likes of Polkadot Insider, OpenGuild, and HA Max Rebol in terms of guidance and advisory.

What can you expect with the upcoming proposal?

In the following week, Bitskwela will submit a small-spender funding proposal to help us mount different planned Polkadot initiatives, alongside Polkadot Insider and OpenGuild, in the Philippines. This proposal consists of the following initiatives planned for the next six (6) months:

  1. Eight (8) Polkadot-related Short Guides
    1. Past twenty (20) short-guides on Polkadot will be updated and enhanced
    2. Short guide content and IPs will be shared with Open Guild for public good, educational usage
  2. Twenty-Seven (27) KOL short-form content
  3. Twenty-Seven (27) Educational Articles
  4. Dedicated Monthly Polkadot Builder Spaces
  5. Inclusion in Bitskwela’s Monthly Online Town Halls
  6. Bi-monthly Educational Threads, Features, and Write-Ups
  7. At least twelve (12) dedicated mass media features dedicated to Polkadot
    1. Will be angled with or towards OpenGuild
    2. E.g. Major Local Media features and Media Guestings
  8. Regional University Event & Talk Placements
  9. At least two (2) Local Bitskwela Conferences involved with
  10. Cumulative 7,500,000+ minimum reach and circulation achieved within the Philippines

All these are geared towards bringing more awareness, reach, and understanding to Polkadot and what it offers for every Web3 Filipino. The full drafted proposal can be found here.

What now?

Given all that, we would love to receive feedback, comments, and tips from the Polkadot community on how Bitskwela can best continue to support Polkadot in the Philippine market.


Jiro of Bitskwela

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