FanSociety - an on-chain fan club protocol for musicians and fans

17d ago

FanSociety is fundamentally a crowdfunding protocol for musicians/artists and is rooted in the gift economy.

Core features include:

  • A cool use case: Those involved with the long term success of Polkadot understand that we need useful applications in order for the network to be relevant. We believe FanSociety meets non-crypto users where they are, doing things they already do, rather than try to wrangle them into the blockchain world
  • Additional income source for musicians: Musicians have always relied on multiple revenue sources. The interent has changed that dynamic over the last 2 decades, and now blockchain networks provide new opportunities for musicians and their fans
  • Easy user onboarding: We've made it as simple as possible for an artist to onboard. No advanced crypto developer experience is required, only basic wallet knowledge is needed. A few clicks deploys a smart contract and gives the artist a dashboard to create 'FanPins' (ERC1155 tokens), manage their fan club, and give back to their community. We're dedicated to working one-on-one to onboard and mentor artists to maximize their success and to pave the way for a new generation of music makers and music lovers
  • Fan recognition: When someone donates to an artist, they receive a 'FanPin' (ERC 1155 token). An artist is able to give back to their fans in the form of digitial and physical items (shirts, tickets, whatever) because they know who their fans are and when each fan became a fan. Fans are indexed in 'generations', which are cohorts of supporters in periods of time that are designated by the artist. Read the 'Transparency Paper' for lower level explanation
  • An anti-subscription model: A subscription model means that your donations/financial support only count as long as you continue to make payments, otherwise you're no longer part of the community despite the contributions that you made in the past
  • A minimally extractive rev-share model: Many large organizations take up to 50% of earnings on their platform (think Twitch, Apple's App Store) or rev share starts low, locks the user into the paltform and then raises rev share over time. We detest this business model as it's maximially extractive from the creators. The FanSociety protocol is minimally extractive. Read the 'Transparency Paper' for lower level details.
  • An unopinionated NFT smart contract: We provide a simple protocol that makes it flexible for each artist to manage their community according to their needs. There are no time based requirements or limited number of NFTs. One smart contract can serve an artist's entire career.
  • Additional opportunities: The core protocol provides an excellent base on which additional services and products can add more value to it's users over time.

To learn more about the protocol, start at

FanSociety is currently in dev mode and is live on the Sepolia network. Try it out here. Message me for SepoliaETH @MilesAwayNoww on Telegram

Catch Miles (founder) on the CoinTelegraph podcast ‘The Agenda’ on Spotify, Apple, or Coin Telegraph’s website.

Here is a direct link to the Transparency Paper, for relevant context, problem statement, and basic mechanics of the protocol.

The full proposal can be found here.

Miles Patterson - Former member of the band The Growlers, holds an architecture undergrad degree with focus on computational design and a Buidl Guidl member making contribution to the well known scaffold-eth community on Ethereum as a full stack web dev. This unique combination of experiences, skills and interests has led Miles to leading the development of FanSociety.

This has been a passion project on nights and weekends (you know the drill).  Hoping to find the good fortune to focus on it 100% with the help of the Polkadot community and support from the treasury.

Thanks all!

— Liminal

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