Discussion on Linking up Staking rewards to Voting rate on Opengov to increase effective treasure proposal.

2mos ago

Considering Opengov controlled by groups of whales who continuously cashing out from the treasure due to low voting rate, change on something to stop it is urgently needed, which i can rarely see a possible plan on twitter.

So i have come up with a plan. My plan is to link up the staking rewards with individual voting frequency. Let’s assume the ideal staking rewards is 16.5%(the current staking rewards), each Dot Holders will have their individual score for engagement on Opengov. Let’s say someone could reach the ideal staking rewards(16.5%) by participating Opengov at least twice a month, otherwise their engagement rate will decrease, and this will further decrease their staking rewards. This may eventually drop to zero staking rewards if they choose not to vote. If holders have their score deducted, they can earn it by giving out vote and eventually to reach 16.5% staking rate.

Pros of this plan:

1)Dot stakers are therefore encouraged to take part in OPENGOV to vote for better staking rewards.
2)Engagement on Opengov are to be increased; PLANS that exploiting DOT holders and abuse the treasure are expected to stop.
3)Daily/weekly/Monthly active addresses will see an immediately and huge increase.
4)On-chain transaction will see a significant soar due to increased vote(which requires a gas).
5)Active Opengov voters will receive a rather good staking rewards than voters who never or seldom vote.

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