Treasury Proposal: Kusama decentralization analytics, 9 months Continued operation (50% already delivered)

1yr ago

Dear Community!

Polkawatch provides decentralization analytics for Kusama.

We recently delivered improved observability for Polkawatch based on Node-Red, improved its plugin, and shared it all with our community in a blog post in case anyone finds it useful.

We also added Parachain Support, including those based on Aura consensus, and included decentralization analytics for Statemine, sharing it in another blog post.

Along the process we found 2 issues in Polkadot/substrate, and collaborated with the developer teams during the resolution.

We also implemented community feedback, adding Scaleway as redundant IPFS endpoint, instead of using only Hetzner.

We are now seeking for 9 months Continued operation for Polkawatch.

The proposal has been created in a context in which our Treasure is constrained. As such we have deferred new developments and claim operational costs only after 50% has been delivered, in an attempt to contribute to improve the cash-flow position of our Treasury.

You can find all the details in our detailed proposal, and do not hesitate to provide additional feedback.

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