OpenGov Community Voting Discord Bot

1yr ago

Proponent Address: J7UBNJqKHkRi3NkxMV6Y43cMk1ZjEJWzq4z4XmqmNCcFTfM

KSM requested: $2,000 based on KSM 7d ema at time of referendum submission

ChaosDAO has already made a Discord bot which pulls contextual data from OpenGov referenda from Subsquare and Polkassembly and allows a Discord community’s members to anonymously vote on each referendum. This referendum will enable us to fund the development of the next stage, which will take the communities’ Discord vote and issue an on-chain extrinsic in order to vote on behalf of the community (using a Governance Proxy).
We would like to emphasise that this bot is not just for the ChaosDAO community; its aim is to enable all other organisations to collectively take part in on-chain governance through Discord.

You can view the full proposal here:

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