Virto team - Kusama agents continuous funding


The Virto team, deeply committed to combating social inequality, has focused on developing tools that streamline the creation of decentralized applications for businesses. Initially funded to achieve this aim, our efforts center on building decentralized infrastructure that empowers communities to operate real world businesses efficiently and cost-effectively, contributing to local economic development.

With the support of previous funding we developed different client side tools that are now taking the shape of the VirtoSDK, a comprehensive toolkit that simplifies interactions with Substrate-based chains to the point end users don’t need to have blockchain or Web3 specific knowledge.

Isolated tools with no usage are meaningless, that's why upon this foundation we are also building Kreivo, a common-good parachain that serves as the primary platform for experimenting with and testing these tools. Kreivo offers specialized functionality for managing decentralized communities and facilitating secure payments, providing a robust platform ideal for community-driven applications and real world financial transactions. We will keep expanding the capabilities of Kreivo by implementing functionality like the Local Incentives Protocol, our initial motivation to start building in the ecosystem, that will allow the emergence of local communities which will have resources at their disposal to boost their local economy. This strategic development of Kreivo, along with the VirtoSDK, demonstrates our commitment to making blockchain technology more practical and accessible for a wide range of applications.

The Virto team, aspiring to be a leading success in the Kusama ecosystem, is here to stay, aiming to pioneer innovation and creatively use the ecosystem's technologies. We seek the community's support one more: for our long-term commitment to Kusama, our leadership in innovation, our team's expertise in Rust and Substrate, our dedication to working closely with the community to address their needs, and our focus on developing practical, user-friendly solutions. By supporting us, the community gains a partner deeply invested in advancing the ecosystem through collaborative and technically proficient initiatives.


Total asked: 333 KSM / weely (every spend period)

Recipient: para:2281

Scope: Service of community requests, Kreivo and VirtoSDK(inc. VirtoApp)

Payment method: Recurring scheduled spend via Treasurer origin every spend period.

Milestones: Quarterly community review to determine if the team should continue to be funded.


What experience does the Virto team have? We have a skilled team of Rust and Substrate developers with several decades of combined software development experience, several PBA alumni, ex-Parity and Fellowship candidates. Daniel the team lead is member of the Polkadot fellowship, has 15+years of software development and computer security experience, 6+ years using Rust and 4 years building with Substrate. Other team members are even more awesome ;)
What are the expected outcomes of the funding? The team will continuously deliver new features and updates(based on our roadmap) to the VirtoSDK, VirtoApp and Kreivo which includes a multitude of pallets and changes that we will try to upstream to repositories like the PolkadotSDK via the Polkadot Fellowship.
How will the Virto Team engage with and contribute to the Kusama community? We will engage with the Kusama community through regular updates and establishing open feedback channels. We welcome expert curators to review our work on regular basis(e.g. quarterly) and if deemed necessary request to stop the continuous funding.
How will the team ensure transparency and accountability? In 2023 we have already shown an exemplary management of our treasury funds which outlived their initial 6 months scope, we kept the team's KSM on-chain to secure the network, team members agreed to be payed in KSM even using the vesting pallet(which came with losses) and every expense was annotated for maximum transparency.

This year we would take things a step further, funds would be payed to the Kreivo parachain sovereign account and with through the chain's local governance and advanced payment capabilities funds would be managed openly.

Are there any long-term plans beyond this funding? Our main goal of 2024 beyond delivering the outlined projects, is to attract as many communities to the ecosystem as possible, specially those with a real world commercial use cases. The Virto team will be one more commercial community in Kreivo that will operate as an Infrastructure as a Service platform or better yet as a Decentralized Business as a Service provider that offers organizations everything they need to go form idea to revenue generating business in a fraction of the cost and time than a traditional start-up usually takes.

In other words we want to become sustainable and hopefully not have to come back for treasury funding in the future.

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