Tucson Blockchain Meetup - Idea / Concept Proposal. Incentives, Reputation, Pooling, and Gamification

3yrs ago

Aloha! Tucson meetup here, working on something with spontaneous combustion! use case, game, incentives, and comes down to ideas, but as I explained to meetup, I have a full time gig and need to focus on my business, but if no incentives then the algorithm is work comes to hault. We want to keep alive and explained we need sovereign ID's and need to submit individually and work out our game, if any interest, we would love to hold the conversation, in essence narrowing down a use case, to pay doctors for studying, in fact reputation and dedication, we discussed "pooling" so people can buy stock in the doctor or med student, and on day 1 of practice they go debt free - through economic model , and think ending debt is worthy cause, so people aren't doing unethical things or going to work for unethical companies. So we are working on gaming and education model. Need support to talk up or hold meetup with others to discuss, but they sent me here to say this to the council!
We think DOT network wants our ideas and economic models, thus we want incentives to work out details before work comes to halt. Any suggestions?
We scrapped proposal idea given meetup and used draconian tax laws and threats of dungeon as to why we didn't distribute a 4 mere KSM, but we did the study anyway.

Question....is our study group concept even within the mission of this project?
Tucson Arizona has excellent ideas coming out. Just don't know if this is where to point them out.

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