Treasury Proposal
This Proposal to Polkadot Treasury aims to boost the brand recognition of Polkadot to a broader group of audience in APAC.
Proposer: (Winkrypto)
DOT Address: 158fp6BNaiUF6G13EFeeditNz2YVQeMtY68M6D4pEqqCgrdC
Date: June 28th, 2021
Requested DOT: 1452.93 DOTs (Rate: 20.648 USD/DOT as of the 28th June, which is equivalent of 30,000USD)
Short description: The media and marketing plan to bring the brand awareness and community influence on a broader group of general blockchain audience.
Brief Introduction
Winkrypto proposes to provide a customized media and marketing service package to boost the brand recognition and community influence of Polkadot to a broader group of blockchain audiences in APAC through Winkrypto and ChainNews.
Polkadot has gained good traction in the Polkadot audience but certainly, it has broad room to expand the media exposure and community awareness to the fast-growing broader general blockchain audience. Winkrpto and ChainNews (see the explanation of business relationship in the below section) are here to help to bring the general awareness of Polkadot in the Chinse-speaking community to another level.
Winkrpto, together with ChainNews being the top blockchain media, can provide the top blockchain media and blockchain technology advocating service in APAC market, both to English and Chinese audience.
Why us?
ChainNews is the top tier professional blockchain media in Chinese speaking community. We have the top influence and resource to generate the best content with business insights and unique view and delivery the contents to the desired blockchain audience maximumly. Outperforming other blockchain marketing service providers, ChainNews aims to be the best service provider in this market sector.
What problem is the Treasury fund used to solve?
Polkadot gains pretty good traction in APAC marketing for the Polkdot audience in the time frame of late 2019 and the year of 2020. However the size of the general blockchain audience grows fast and there is still broad room for Polkadot to expand to gain the bigger size of the pie. WinKrypto as a top blockchain marketing service provider, together with ChainNews, the top professional blockchain media, is able to help Polkadot to achieve this goal and gain more audience in general blockchain pie. Winkrypto has the confidence to converte our business insight and deep understanding of the Asian market of the blockchain into the practical help and effective deliverables to Polkadot.
Winkrypto would design a customized yet comprehensive package to help Polkadot to gain wider exposure in media and community. We plans to generate the top quality content with the blockchain insider’s view and deliver these content through our media matrix for the maximum coverage of the blockchain audience in the APAC market. We will also provide the deliverable and the performance report (ok to work with your local team to design the performance tracking mechanism) periodically.
The General Plan of 2021
Winkrypto and ChainNews offers a customized service package to improve the overall Polkadot brand, increase media exposure, and broaden community awareness.
Following are the three folds of the plan,
1) Publicize official events from Polkadot and the aligned community partners in the Asia Pacific (Will work with Polkadot’s local teams and local community partners in APAC)
The plan of 2021 includes but not limited to the following major official events (currently six major ones)
• 4 Substrate Hackathons
• 2021 Web3.0 Bootcamp
• 2021 Web3.0 Forum
For each event, Winkrypto and ChainNews provides the following media support,
A long introductory article about the event, including the way to sign up or how to buy tickets. (Note: Will work with Polkadot local team to produce the article and content. Winkrypto polishes the article and provides publishing channels.)
A post-event summary with photos, videos, or any available rich media materials (Note: Will work with Polkadot local team to produce the article and content. Winkrypto polishes the article and provides publishing channels.)
2)Publicize outstanding projects in Polkadot Ecology
2021 Polkadot Ecology Outstanding Projects: Outstanding projects that emerge from Polkadot boot camps,Substrate Hackathons, Substrate Courses, and Substrate Workshops.
Currently, it is estimated to have the size of 10 projects of the year 2021, and the media support for each project includes,
A Breaking News about the project that has won an award or performed well at the Polkadot event.
An Introductory article about the project (founding team, the vision of your project, the project features, product roadmap, the projection of the project, etc.)
Besides these 10 projects, special merit projects may also receive ad-hoc reporting and media support per the recommendation of the local team of Polkadot and their local community partners.
• The comprehensive support to Substrate Devs in Polkadot Ecosystem
• APAC Strategy of Polkadot Ecosystem Development
In a nutshell, the quantity of the breaking news and article are listed below:
Activity – 12 Articles
Project - 10 Articles & Breaking News
Polkadot Team- 2 Articles
You can review the full proposal here. Please leave your comments!