OpenSquare's treasury proposal for dotreasury M2

3yrs ago

As you may know, we proposed dotreasury and finished our work for M1. Check post 352 for the proposal discussions and here for our M1 report. We hope you like our work and now we are proposing the dotreasury M2 with this new post to avoid old and long scroll post.

Work in M2

1. Account system

  • Account registry
  • Login & logout
  • Binding with web3 addresses

It will be similar with account system of polkassembly.

2. Funded projects list and detail page

It's common that one project have support from several proposals. So it's not enough to just comment on one proposal or tip. We should get to know the funded projects and comment them from a higher view.

In the detail page, there will be descriptions about:

  • summary of the project
  • what this project have done with the treasury fund
  • how many proposals/tips and in total how many KSMs this project has spent
  • related links
  • remarks to this project

Some consultant work maybe involved for this. I may ask questions to some beneficiaries and councilors.

3. Remarks support

Mainly in the expense detail pages and project detail pages. Remarks may come from:

  1. logined users. If the user has bind address, we will show the address or identity.
  2. anonymous remark. User don't have to login to leave this kind of remarks, but we need to think deeply about it. Maybe we will open it to user after the logined user remarks has been supported.

4. Burnt records

Only burnt records list, no need to show the detail.

5. Treasury income distribution

We will show it like 20% from gas, 30% from slash, etc. Maybe a doughnut chart will be shown.

6. Previous work polish

Mainly solve problems we mentioned in our M1 report.

  • We may parse more special extrinsic that wrap tip action.
  • Add more docs and test cases.
  • Add settings for switch nodes.

Time and cost

Cost for M1 can be checked here, and the time is a little tight for us.

Considering our experience of M1 and the upcoming China spring festival, we want to decide the time to be 1.25 months. 3 developers, 1 designer and 1 operation intern will work on this M2, but we will not request cost for the operation intern.

So the cost list will be:

  • 3 developers and 1 designer: ($6500 * 3 + $4000) * 1.25 = $29375
  • Server fee for 2021.01 and 2021.02: (8vCPU + 16GiB + 500GiB SSD + 10Mbps) * 2 = $800
  • We use MongoDB, but now it's deployed as single instance in our server, it's really unstable. We want a cloud MongoDB for more stable deployment to support upcoming remarks feature, but only from 2021.02. It is $500.

Take KSM price as $70, so the KSM expense: ($29375 + $800 + $500) / $70 = 438KSM



  1. What's your next plans?
    You can see our rough milestones here. Though there maybe small changes, our final target is to introduce retrospect mechanism to current treasury workflow. In the future, we aim to build a reputation system for treasury participators. Of course, we will do it cautiously.

  2. What's your plan to integrate polkadot?
    Our plan is after M2.

Some other possible questions can still be seen here.

We are OpenSquare team, dedicated to facilitate the collaboration between projects and developers.

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