A Social Contract between PolkaWorld and Polkadot Treasury - Ops and Maintenance proposal

3yrs ago

This is a social contract between PolkaWorld (the biggest Polkadot Chinese community in China) and the Polkadot Treasury. This proposal is aimed to cover the operational costs of September, October and November 2021!

PolkaWorld is the first Polkadot Chinese community. For the past two years, PolkaWorld was running as an independent Polkadot Chinese community funded by Web3 Foundation. We contribute to the Polkadot community by publishing Polkadot Chinese articles (translated from Polkadot Blog/wiki or produce the original content), interviewing Polkadot eco-constructors, and organizing Meetup/Polkadot China Tour /Substrate Workshop and Substrate Hackathon in different cities in China to help people learn Polkadot well and build a strong Polkadot Chinese community!

Since June 2021, we have established a Social Contract with the Polkadot Treasury, and get funding from the Polkadot Treasury. Please check our monthly reports (June, July) to learn more!

And the timeline breakdown and budget for next 3 month here!

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