We believe all polkadot community members expect the parachains will boom the ecosystem, while fungible assets and DeFi maybe the most important part. We're looking forward some assets like USDT maybe issued on statemine, and we can also see some teams tried to issue some test assets on Rococo#statemint.
Then we need an explorer to check our history transfers, our issued asset lifecycle, learn some assets statistics, etc. StateScan is an explorer for it, and we began to develop it about 2 weeks ago. You can check https://test.statescan.io for our current development status. It's a development version link, but you can see current features it support. Generally they are asset list/detail, block/extrinsic/address detail. We are proposing a treasury spend to improve StateScan and so we can bring more features.
Currently we handle only finalized blocks. We have to handle the unfinalized ones to help user see the latest extrinsic status and some other unsettled businesses like the transfers.
Here we record the create, issuance, mint, destroy events, and make the asset's lifecycle.
Currently the front site is made with create-react-app. We want to improve the user's experience with server side rendering and user don't have to see the initial spinner loading before the expected data.
4 developers and 1 designer will work on this proposal, and we will request about 3 weeks equivalent cost. Cost list:
So final cost is $23,000. We will calc the KSM count with the MA30 price at the onchain propose time if councilors have no problems.
We are OpenSquare team, dedicated to facilitate the collaboration between projects and developers.