Omni Software Requirement Specification:
Omni: Polkadot Enterprise desktop app Treasury Proposal - Milestone 1:
Omni is a desktop enterprise application that works around the limitations of Polkadot.js Apps and can provide a single point-of-view for stakeholders with advanced needs in the entire ecosystem. It should sync shards (i.e. multi-sig & proxies should not need manual construction for each signatory), support complex proxy/multi-sig combinations, should amalgamate multiple operations into a single transaction, and handle staking, asset management, and voting across all shards in a single user-operation.
The goal is to primarily handle all of these situations with minimum effort from the user side. Focused on security, Omni aims to provide convenient access for complex token management & create complex operations which may involve several shards.
For past 3 months, the Nova Foundation team conducted interviews with enterprise stakeholders to create initial Omni Enterprse software requirements specification: Omni SRS
Please feel free to review M1 treasury proposal: Omni M1 treasury proposal