Second round of Parachain reward balancing

3yrs ago

Had a question on the 2nd round of Parachains on Kusama network.
Is there a plan with implementing new Parachains to balance the rewards, selection for Para Validator?

I've seen one validator getting selected to be Para Validator for 3 or 4 times during 1 era (6 hr) earnings +3000 points and some validators are not getting selected for Para Validator at all during that era with earnings between 0 and 100 points.

One validator would make 2 KSM during one era and 2nd would make .05 KSM during the same era. That rewards distribution is crazy, if we as validators have to explain that to our nominators you are making it too complicated.

Saying "it should even out in the long run" doesn't make sense since there are more than 900 Validators.

-Some Validators could get low points one day and not get into the active set the next day.

-Some Nominators could be with one Validator with low points one day and get moved to another Validator with low points the next day.

-Some nominators could not understand the Era Point distribution and move to different Validators thinking that the Validators is misconfigured or doesn't have enough resources.

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