tl;dr: deposit 2261 DOT into the Polkadot relaychain "Child" accounts of fourteen parachains to make it easier to open XCM channels between chains.
It takes a bit of work to open XCM channels between Polkadot parachains. Besides XCM runtime configuration, the team needs to deposit DOT into the parachain's Child account, or governance needs to sell some of their token for the DOT. Then Chain A passes a referendum to initiate opening one HRMP channel, Chain B accepts and sends a channel open request back. Then Chain A governance accepts the channel back. 10 dot need to be 'bonded' in each direction, so 20 DOT on each side of a bidirectional XCM channel. If dev teams are primarily working on their own chain's use case they might not spend time figuring out the XCM calls to make this happen. It's also important to know that when you bridge (XCM transfer) your DOT from the relaychain to one of the parachains, the DOT tokens don't actually leave the relaychain but instead are held in the sovereign acct, the "Child" acct on the relaychain corresponding to the destination parachain. Therefore for any DeFi chain receiving DOT, its Child acct will already hold plenty of DOT to use for opening XCM channels. But non-DeFi chains won't naturally have this DOT in their Child accounts.
- Several OG chains STILL only have one or two XCM channels open
- I hear some users ask when their favorite parachain token will be available on the Hydration DEX and the answer is "once the team opens an XCM channel".
Therefore I'd like to work on submitting lots of parachain governance proposals to open more XCM channels such as:
- Hydra <-> NeuroWeb (OT), EWT, XRT
- Bifrost <-> PEN, ZTG, PLMC, CRU
- Interlay <-> Kilt, ZTG, XRT
- EnergyWeb <-> everyone (but they need to update XCM config?)
- Mythical <-> Bifrost, Interlay, Kilt
- Kilt <-> AssetHub, Interlay, Moonbeam, Astar, CFG, MYTH, PLMC
- CFG <-> Astar, PEN, Composable, INTR, Kilt
This should make a lot more parachain tokens more accessible to Polkadot DeFi on Hydration, Bifrost, Moonbeam, Astar, increase the amount of XCM traffic, and remove one technical barrier to further integration and use case development between chains.
- Polkadot Treasury deposit some DOT into the Child accounts of several non-DeFi parachains. (THIS proposal) Then submit gov proposals to each parachain to open channels.
- Pro: quick and easy
- Con: risk of parachain teams/governance taking the money. But 100-200 DOT is less than $1k; surely not worth the PR risk
- Polkadot governance proposals to open XCM/HRMP channels without requiring a DOT deposit/bond for the channels
- Pro: no risk of loss of funds
- Con: removes parachain sovereignty. How do we know if the chain's team and community want to or are ok with opening the channel?
- Parachain governance proposals to XCM transfer some of their tokens to a DEX, swap for DOT, and then transfer that DOT to the parachain's Child acct on the relaychain. Then submit gov proposals to each parachain to open channels.
- Pro: no risk of loss of funds
- Con: more time consuming to craft the 'sell' XCM calls (but doable). One more referenda for each of the chains to pass.
I collected initial feedback on X and the results indicate that 72% of the 36 voters thought this would be a good initiative to seed several of the child accounts with some DOT (Option 1 above) to accelerate opening channels.

I propose that we target an account balance of 205 DOT for chains that are more niche or smaller market cap or don't have as many imaginable connected use cases vs a target balance of 305 DOT in the Child accts of 'larger' parachains. In the table below Gap
is the amount of DOT that I propose sending to each child account in order to reach the Target
Chain |
Parachain ID |
DOT in acct |
Target |
Gap |
Centrifuge |
2031 |
141 |
305 |
164 |
Crust |
2008 |
95 |
205 |
110 |
Darwinia |
2046 |
199 |
255 |
56 |
EnergyWebX |
3345 |
0 |
205 |
205 |
Frequency |
2091 |
0 |
205 |
205 |
InvArch |
3340 |
22 |
205 |
183 |
Kilt |
2086 |
25 |
205 |
180 |
Mythical |
3369 |
24 |
305 |
281 |
Neuroweb (OT) |
2043 |
49 |
205 |
156 |
Peaq |
3338 |
25 |
205 |
180 |
Phala |
2035 |
249 |
305 |
56 |
Polimec |
3344 |
67 |
205 |
138 |
Robonomics |
3388 |
0 |
205 |
205 |
Subsocial |
2101 |
63 |
205 |
142 |
This totals 2261 DOT which would be sent from the Polkadot treasury to parachain accounts.
The corresponding extrinsic call data is:
I have already submitted preimage 0x6bcfbb1e62181ab53611b17187adca2dc341f4171301305454f7f9024e02dbca
for review and it includes the call data above that you can decode and verify yourself.
While opening new XCM channels via parachain governance, I'll also register tokens on chains that have the assetRegistry
pallet. After I successfully open at least 50 XCM channels, I plan to submit a tip request for around $3000, paid in DOT.
Are there any tweaks to this proposal that you'd suggest before I submit it as an official Polkadot referendum?
Logical, Based, Synergistic - Symbiotic cohesion. Strong AYE!