I’m here to call attention. I don’t know if I should call attention to the community of moderators or if it’s the entire community that is exclusive and intolerant, but in the case that it is the community and the moderators, look at yourselves before presenting yourself as a tolerant and inclusive community. In the case that the guilty one is the moderation team, look at yourselves before presenting yourself as a tolerant and inclusive community. I’m just a holder, I only have three sad tokens, but what a bad experience with you since I met you. I hope that you look at yourselves, gentlemen, because one of you will be very guilty, but be careful. One is not guilty of everything. You have a bunch of dissatisfied people in the team that you can’t handle. I hope that if this is removed, you at least have the shamelessness to raise it through the regulatory channel because you are a damn thorn in your side for yourselves.