A tip for fixing and taking ownership for NTF portal, created by parity in late 2023. The original website was not updated and unusable.
This portal allows individuals to create NTF collections and mint NFTs in an easy and non technical way.
So, I forked the repo, updated to the latest versions, got nftportal.io domain, linked netlify and deployed the running website. I am taking ownership of the portal, and plan to develop it further ( but that is another story…).
The rest of the code remains original as it was in the tool, but now is 100% operative. Tested to connect to different wallets ( both Wallet Connect and the ones injected via polkadot-js).
The portal is accesible via https://polkadot.nftportal.io/
The code of the repository is here: https://github.com/wabkebab/nft-portal
Polkadot Forum Post: https://forum.polkadot.network/t/nft-portal-is-back/9460