Due to the discussion across the ecosystem regarding development, this referendum aims to bring attention to Bounty 19. This bounty has realistically done nothing except pay its curators. This referendum aims to highlight this issue.
The topic of "ink!ubator Public" channel #sm-bounty-support:matrix.org on Element, which relates to Bounty 19 and the website https://use.ink/ubator says "Real-time support for the ink!ubator program - an initiative to kickstart the ink! ecosystem via technical support, grants, security audits, developer growth, and innovative projects. Learn more at https://use.ink/ubator/", however, there is no evidence of support since the last ink!ubator lunch in Sept 2023.
There have only been two posts asking for real-time support over the past month, but no response has been provided. This referendum aims to clean up bounties that have paid their curators but are not providing adequate ongoing support. The curators associated with this bounty were elected in this referenda "#133 Election of curation team - bounty 19: Wasm Smart Contracts Bounty" https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/133.
Prior precedent was set by @Leemo94 who successfully closed the following bounties in this referenda https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/1098 that had similar issues associated with them, such as being effectively inactive, and were closed since that is not an appropriate use of bounties.
Seeking a 1000 DOT Decision Deposit from the community for this Referendum https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/1160. Important information about Decision Deposits: "The submission deposit for a referendum can be claimed only if the referendum was Approved or Canceled" https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/learn-guides-polkadot-opengov#claiming-the-referendum-submission-deposit