Marketing Bounty 2.0

2d 29mins ago
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Once a wise man said "you will always fail if you learn nothing from the past".
Somehow, this proposal manages to do even worst.


Dear proposers,
Here is a list of concerns on which the community would highly appreciate a feedback.
Thank you so much in advance!

  • What are the lesson learnt from this bounty's past failures?
  • This scheme has a legend "no pay" but there's literally no one tagged with it. Why?
  • How many hours per paid members are expected to be spent each month? Please provide estimates
  • Some rates seem inappropriate compared to skill fit for the job, how do you explain that?
  • Ethics: it is public knowledge that some members have notoriously disrespected ethic rules in the past. How do you proceed to enforce these rules, especially regarding conflict of interests?
  • What will be the structure of unethical behavior review process? What can trigger this review process? Self evaluation or anything else?
  • What will be the process to seek and evaluate competition between contractors?
  • There is one curator missing in the letters of intent, who is this person and what are his intentions?

To kickstart this conversation we propose to first touch some on the items that caught our attention first.

First it is the projected amount spent proportional to the treasury. If we really agree that 10% of treasury income is to be spent on marketing (the proposed treasury income on a WFC vote and not enacted still). We need to remember that other successful independent marketing efforts like CultureDOT campaigns (now a curator), Coinmarketcap, Virtune, the Kusamarian, Wagmedia, Inter Miami, Conor Daly and others happened outside the marketing bounty so said expenditures must also be included into this 10% figure in order to consider it a fair 10%. So, why should this 10% of treasury income be exclusively spent through the marketing bounty? - while exceeding it with other marketing efforts outside of it.

Second, despite of the increased text in this referendum compared to the previous bounty refills, it seems like it also lacks concrete information on what exactly these funds are going to be spent on. The previous bounty, in our view, spent way too much on unnecessary and impactful things because it simply didn't have a plan and advertisement options are nearly endless. Which is why it rather spent on the go as "opportunities arose". Crypto advertisement is one of those potential expenditures where you can spend an infinite amount of money because there is a nearly infinite amount of spending venues. Is there a plan on what these funds are going to be spent? Is it going to KOLs? to advertisement? to events? what agencies are interested? how much will go to agencies? So specifics are very helpful. Otherwise, we won't know what these funds are meant to be spent on.

Third. The part where "this allocation can be increased in the future, subject to the agreement of token holders." is something we experienced in the previous bounty where expenditures ballooned from an initial 90k DOT meant to last for months to 500k DOT less than monthly - within months. What measures will you take so that this precise scenario doesn't happen again.

Fourth, The marketing bounty was used as a fail-back for some referenda that weren't approved or referenda that wouldn't be approved but they were added to the marketing bounty regardless. Many with bad results like 401. How will this team address this situation?

Fifth and finally, this marketing bounty was mostly focused on advertisement for the masses. We now have some renewed efforts to reach enterprises through b2b marketing and targeted outreach, planning and so on. Is there any plan to integrate this bounty with BD plans, B2B efforts, more directed outreach instead of going after retail and raw brand exposure?

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Having a figure, considered by many to be the biggest scammer in Polkadot, involved in your bounty will only further alienate the community and continue to damage DOT's reputation.

This will likely cause the price to drop even further.

I don’t understand why this is so difficult to grasp.

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