This should probably be proposed on the whitelisted track to gather fellowship approval and keep the root track clear for emergency relay runtime upgrades.
The tx looks real.
The hacker accuse you of stealing 2M+ DOT.
Although I do not think you are innocent,
I will say Aye for this proposal (If choosing two thieves, I will prefer the one with KYC, at least I know who I am against).
1-- You should bring back explorer back
In the thread you say "subscan" is too expensive, in discord you say it is technical issue.
You are losing users' trust. If you really do everything correct, you will try your best to help investigating, bring back online the explorer.
Even if the high cost of service was your initial reason to offline the explorer, it is no longer now.
It is a necessary money you should spend to buy everyone's trust.
2-- NA
(Updated, I just saw Parallel Finance sending a medium link. A good sign. But again, not good enough, the solution is also bad)
Based on sent by Parallel team, many issues sent by hacker has been asnwered (I do not want to say if the answer is good or not)
Unless the team officially rug pull, I still hope that we will get money back.
There is fine line between misuse or steal. You have big name investors. They will concern it too.
I will prefer the side with KYC. Let vote Aye for this proposal first.
In the Parallel Team's telegram, it was communicated that the application user's CDOT remaining which are not redeemed was also stolen by the hacker and the user who lost there funds will not be returned but in the summary nothing is mentioned about CDOT loss, Can the team clarify?.. How do you trust the team whether they will return the user fund or not. Also in the Telegram and discord , user who lost there funds are blocked from questioning..
Team is saying that the actual hack happened in November but the application was not allowing to withdraw for a long time, when the user questioned , they were told that it is because of a technical glitch, they were telling that the funds were safe but all of a sudden they came up with this hack story. This story has to be investigated. This hack cannot happen without the knowledge of the team. How careless is the team. Parallel team is not eligible to handle user funds.
Parallel team should return all the funds Users lost. Polkadot community should come together to get justice for the users who lost the fund because of Parallel.
Parallel team was never transparent with the user, We should make sure that the parallel team is not doing this for their benefit.
We truly appreciate the community for casting their votes in the referenda. We’d like to take this moment to express our gratitude and wish everyone a wonderful end to the year.
As we move closer to regaining sudo control, we want to provide another perspective on voting: consider the consequences of NOT passing this referendum:
In addition, while some members have expressed concerns about whether this is the most optimal approach, we are eager to collaborate and listen to the community. If there are ways we can improve, please guide us and share your feedback.
In closing, your participation is crucial for the future of our community. Together, we can ensure a more secure and prosperous environment for all. Thank you for your continued support!
Solution proposed by the team doesn't address all affected parties, what about the users who hold their CDOT in your platform, you are not returning their CDOT but instead you are going to give 1000 PARA for each user CDOT you lost, and you are saying you are doing this in good Will - Seriously????, How this is goodwill, make me understand. When the parachain lease expired the corresponding project team returned all the DOT's to your platform, what happened to those, those belongs to the user and not teams. How can you say that if user have not redeemed DOT's from you application then the USER'S DOT belongs to Parallel Team.. This is ridiculous..
Dear Proposer,
Thank you for your proposal. Our vote on this proposal is AYE.
The Root track requires 60% quorum according to our voting policy. This proposal has received eight aye and zero nay votes from ten members, with one member abstaining. Below is a summary of our members' comments:
The referendum received strong support, with members noting the apparent backing from Parity as a key factor in their decisions. Supporters expressed confidence in assisting the team with this step, viewing the proposal as aligned with ecosystem priorities. One member abstained, but overall, the proposal was widely endorsed.
The full discussion, along with individual members' votes and comments, can be found in our internal voting.
Kind regards,
Permanence DAO
Dear Community,
We wanted to keep everyone updated with a quick note. TL;DR: An attacker has added themselves as a proxy to the new sudo key and has frozen all available funds associated with the new keys. We are currently evaluating the situation and will need to address it accordingly through a new upgrade.
Thank you for your understanding and we will keep you posted.
Hi Parallel Team,
We all know your team is irresponsible and useless playing with User's hard earned money. you dont take responsibility for what has happened, you still keep the users in dark, I know what is going on in the telegram group - who ever asks questions about the lost funds are banned in the telegram group. I am one among them who is banned, You are not allowing the users to speak then that means you are hiding something. One person( attacker ) is bringing you guys on your knees and you are clueless what is going on. Why dont you ask help from Polkadot team or Gavin himself, there is no harm in accepting that you guys are fit for nothing. Save users fund and repay everyone who is affected, dont come up with a bullshot idea of giving 1000 para or 10000 para for each DOT/SDOT/CDOT lost, we all know PARA is worthless. Get help from polkadot and return users fund, this is not a big deal for polkadot since Gavin himself is a investor.
Thank you for this well-crafted proposal and it’s an Aye from me. I’m reassured to see the team collaborating with law enforcement and security firms to recover the stolen funds. That said, could you provide more details on your specific plans to retrieve the funds still held in the hacker’s wallet?