Currently this bounty has no activity and the last recorded activity was 9 months ago. It has only 3 child bounties recorded.
223 days ago, curators became unassigned no further activity has been recorded since (i.e. Bounty was not extended and it has become curatorless).
This bounty was meant to be reactive for all parachain teams looking to integrate their parachains into the Banxa on/off ramps but it's had no activity and the former curators and people spearheading this bounty are working on other efforts away from Polkadot. We found no parties interested in the integration proposed by this bounty as well as curators willing to take over this bounty during the discussion phase which, as of now remains abandoned. We consider there are grounds for closing this bounty due to inactivity and lack of impact on payment rails and on/off ramps.
We have reached to the original proposer on X without reply. So now we submit this referendum to OpenGov to decide the future of Bounty 27.
This referendum follows the discussion on Polkassembly at:
and the socialization on X on our account:
Dear @Saxemberg Governance,
Thank you for your proposal. Our vote on this proposal is AYE.
The Treasurer track requires a 60% quorum according to our voting policy. This proposal has received nine aye and zero nay votes from ten members. Below is a summary of our members' comments:
The full discussion, along with individual members' votes and comments, can be found in our internal voting.
Kind regards,
Permanence DAO