200 Dot are requested for creating 10 pieces of content about Rust, inviting people to analyze it from home.
The code is explained line by line below, showing errors and details.
Video 1 -> 26 views
Video 2 -> 143 vievs
Video 3 -> 32 views
Video 4 -> 335 views
Video 5 -> 316 views
Video 6 -> 565 views
Video 7 -> 252 veiws
Video 8 -> 79 views
Video 9 -> 573 views
Video 10 -> 434 views
Throughout the next videos I will delve into more advanced topics, always maintaining an interactive and practical style while we explain the code in detail.
Some of the topics they will cover include:
- Tuples and Arrays
- Control Structures
- Ownership and Borrowing
- Structures
- Enumerations
- Match and Conditional Flow Control
- Collections: Vectors
- Collections: Strings
- Collections: HashMap
- Functions and Expressions
- References and the Dereference Operator
- Slices
- Match
- Traits
- Error Handling with Option and Result
- Smart Pointers
- ....
The goal is to encourage and teach Rust every day in a fun and swift manner. All these exercises are published on Twitter to reach a broader developer audience