Our team at Colorful Notion tabulated this dashboard Decentralized Voices on Dune this past month (see also forum post) and to the best of our knowledge these Polkadot DVs aren't getting paid to do the kind of quality analyses they do, including commenting on this forum. There are a LOT of proposals, and doing this work is not easy. They act as general purpose "DOT experts", which we believe is tip worthy.
This tip is for Decentralized Voices OpenGov voters who have put in a LOT of time and energy this month, and sheer courage.
You can disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push Polkadot forwards. While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see people who should be recognized for their courage and for trying to make a difference. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change Polkadot, are the ones who do.
Thank you Decentralized Voices!
PS This is not an April fools joke. But if any DV doesn't think they deserve a tip, kindly send it to another DV who does, or send it back to the Treasury.
Hello from Polkadoters!
Thanks for appretiating our work, but our rationale is that IF there’s gonna be any tip or reward for DV delegates, this must come AFTER the delegation period ends up for various reasons, which already touched above our colleague fellows from the DV program.